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Happy Lockdown #3 & changes to the website

Writer: RMTnatRMTnat

Happy Lockdown #3. We've been through this before so it shouldn't be a problem. Yes, all of your favorite RMTs are working (unless they are located in a gym or certain spas).

Some of you have already contacted me this morning when the alert was sent out so, to prevent a deluge of email and text, I'm sending this a few days earlier than anticipated.

What a pleasant surprise I received in my email this week. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to nominate and vote for me in the Community Votes Burlington 2020.

Website updates

I'm not sure about you but sometimes I want to change something small and end up with a huge project. I'm told its called "scope creep", I looked up the term and its quite fitting here.

I just wanted to add a button/link for selling e-Gift Cards online. Well that button just didn't fit in with the others quite right so I decided to change them. Their location also wasn't quite right so I moved them over a picture. That picture also needed updating, sooo four hours later, downloading PaintShop Pro and re-learning how to use it for photo manipulation I had a few new stock pictures to play with.

Don't get me started on the website layout. I changed that too because well, it didn't look right either. Anywho, its taken me over a week of working a few hours a day on the bloody thing to get everything pixel perfect. Now to make sure the mobile version looks good too. EGAD! I have to make changes there as well. I had a mini breakdown.

As of this writing I still have to select the schedule for Home Visits that I had planned for April [nope] now May, June and July. Now don't get all excited, Home Visits will roll out slowly. Only existing and select few will be scheduling themselves in on the new appointment calendar. Home Visits will be booking on a new calendar while Clinic Visits will continue using the existing one. Once I work out all the kinks, we will all be using the new one. There will be a new post /newsletter about how that all works.

Some new features of the site:

Gift Cards: purchase and email directly to the recipient. Simple. To redeem, they must show their email with the 16 digit code. The cards can only be exchanged for services only and are not refundable.

Book Home Visit: the new calendar just for home visits. It is extremely easy for someone to use. Also not as configurable as the current calendar but it will merge your profiles, charts, invoices and receipts into one.

News/updates/blog: I'm not sure yet if it will be a separate tab or embedded in the home page but there will be an area where articles/videos posted by me or other contributors will appear. Now all I need are ideas from you. What would you like to see. So far I hear, more info on nutrition, mental health, perhaps a video of a Q & A. Massage and general health related would be nice but I'm open to almost anything. Please email me your suggestions.

Embodia: A variety of Health Care Providers use this app to prescribe a home exercise program and educational videos to their clients. Some of you have been prescribed these (I know who has been doing them BTW), the rest of you will eventually. This link will be located on a client resource page. Available on Apple, Android and PC.

So all of these changes were made because I decided to add an eGift Card option to the site. I secretly enjoyed tinkering with it but let's keep it between us.


5063 North Service Rd, Burlington ON


RMTnat [at]


Logo design by DevineBranding

© 2023   




RMTAO unboxed.jpg


MON      Closed

TUE        Closed

WED      12:00pm - 9:00pm

THUR    12:00pm - 9:00pm

FRI           9:00am - 9:00pm

SAT          9:00am - 5:00pm

SUN       Closed


Closed Dec 25 and Jan 01


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